#21: First Post in a Year!

It’s been a year since I blogged.

I needed privacy and space as I dealt with cancer. It’s a beautiful testimony—and trust me, I plan on USING it—but this post is about the new direction this writing ministry is taking and updates on what’s to come.

• Book I of the trilogy is ready to publish, even the cover. We are waiting on final edits for the last pieces (book and author blurbs). Then we finalize sizing on the cover’s spine, purchase the ISBN, double-check my notes file, and it’s go time!

• I intend to post free content from (or inspired by) the trilogy here. Maybe the first chapter, deleted scenes, or events written from another character’s point of view that isn’t in the novels. Check back soon!

• A post will be coming on my testimony through cancer, and how the Lord saved my life (more than once). I can’t promise exactly when it will be published, only that it will be when the time is right.


Overall, I’m excited to release the first book! It gave me hope and firm reminders to continue seeking the Lord when I was going through a dark storm, and I pray it helps others seek our Creator. He, after all, is the One Who gave me this tale to tell. He is the source of every pure and beautiful story.

Want to be in touch?

christiangirlinaplasticworld (at) gmail.com

Like my Facebook page and spread the word about a new *Christian* mystery/suspense (with a dash of godly romance)–coming SOON!


#14: Creativity and Split Personalities

I didn’t know I was an artist until months ago. I’ve been writing my whole life (fiction for half a decade), but after years of being told I wasn’t any good at art (What 5-year-old paints like Vincent Van Gogh?!), I was pretty shocked when God told me in November to start hand lettering.

The first thing I did was Google “What is hand lettering?” because I had no idea. Upon seeing the results, I thought to myself: Was that really God? I’m pretty sure He knows I’m not an artist. That night, the Holy Spirit woke me up: It was Me you heard, and here’s your first project. He gave me a picture of a canvas piece to make for my best friend for Christmas. I made it, and the lettering turned out beautiful. Turns out I can hand letter! 🙂

But I write this to say it’s tricky switching hats between being a writer and an artist. If a stranger walked into our office,  they’d think I have split personalities: My art desk is covered in beautiful paintings and intricately woven, hand lettered Bible verses, and my writing desk is covered in chicken-scratch notes about murder, WMDs, vandalism, fighting techniques, and various weapons. (I was waiting for a knock on the door from the FBI when I was researching lethal homemade gasses.) Sometimes it’s soothing to listen to podcasts while making art, but when writing, all the yapping can really mess up how you read the words.

Being that I’m a parent, I guzzle coffee as soon as my last child is down for the night. (Don’t worry: I pop melatonin a few hours later and still konk out.) I’m used to drinking coffee whenever I work, but–being an artist–I now have to take certain precautions that I hadn’t thought about before. Like last night. I was flicking paint on a project, and noticed that specks travelled a lot farther than they had in the past. I wiped them off the areas they weren’t supposed to be and didn’t think much of it . . . Until I reached for my go-go juice. Before the glass reached my lips, I panicked and lowered it to check for specks of white on a sea of brown.Yes, I’ll take my iced chocolate mocha with a side of paint, please. Glossy finish. Matte’s a little hard on the throat. Thankfully, it was clean. The paint says it’s non-toxic, and I think maybe an artist found that out the hard way. 🙂

(P.S. The picture shown was my second hand lettering project, and my first using watercolor. There are areas to improve, and that’s what makes creativity fun!)

(P.S.S. It should go without saying, but please don’t steal my work!)
